aloe veraI am so STUPID!! I mixed 10% benzoyl peroxide Clearasil vanishing cream with the Proactive solution lotion?
Unless you are getting pustules, stop the BPO and vanishing cream and only stay on the Proactive for a while. If you stop everything, look for a breakout in about 3-4 weeks.
apply honey
You need to give your skin a break. Don't use anything on it except for cold cream-put it on and wash it off. Drink LOTS OF WATER-(it really really helps, trust me!) and eat healthy. Elminate junk from your diet, or at least eat more healthy stuff and less junk. You really need to help your skin grow and recover. Once the burn is gone, and the peeling is gone, you can start a new regimen. I would say use no more than 8% benzoyl peroxide wash a day. That should be the only ingredient-nothing else!!! You can even use cocoa butter or a hydrating lotion after using the wash. That's what I use, but my wash is prescribed by a derm. If you don't have a derm, get one! If you dont have the money, do what I said. Good uck!
get 100% pure cocoa butter my face burned and this helped it heal
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